Today Louisa, VP Customer Interior Services, tells us about her #freedomtogrow story at Westwing:
“Since joining Westwing in 2017, I have held various roles starting as Global Business Development Manager, followed by a transition into the positions of Head of Westwing Studio & Founder in residence, and Director of Westwing Studio & Founder in residence. Currently, I’m VP of Customer Interior Services, leading our customer service, business-to-business and interior design team called Westwing Studio.”
Louisa, why do you love working for Westwing after all these years?
“I appreciate the ability to pitch ideas and have an impact, even as a young professional. In addition to managing and optimizing the business, you are also capable of creating new businesses. Starting a new venture within the framework of an established company is still a rare and exciting opportunity. Furthermore, we enjoy a comparatively high level of trust. Considering how large #Westwing has become, it feels very entrepreneurial. We are accountable for our results and trusted to find intelligent ways to achieve them. Lastly, our culture is amazing. Our colleagues are passionate, ambitious, and collaborative. There’s no elbow-mentality — successful people here work together with their colleagues.”
And how has Westwing helped and encouraged your career growth?
“I received the trust I needed to develop professional confidence as well as valuable feedback from brilliant minds, which gave me the space to grow. Moreover, I am thankful for my amazing, hard working colleagues — without them I could not have built anything. And my journey is not finished: I am already looking forward to returning after parental leave and starting my next chapter at Westwing.”
Thank you, Louisa, for sharing your personal growth story with us today!