Today, Christina, VP New Sales Channels tells us about her #freedomtogrow story at Westwing:
“I am currently building a new business area for Westwing, by launching our own offline stores and bringing our beautiful Westwing Collection to external marketplaces. Before changing to this role recently, I was in charge of our marketing team as CMO. I joined Westwing in 2016 and I managed countless projects during my time here. I started in a business development role, was given responsibility very fast and built up a team to manage super exciting projects across the company.”
Christina, why do you love working for Westwing after all these years?
“There is love across the whole team and we enjoy working together so much. I think it’s just a really nice atmosphere. It’s supportive, friendly and motivating. I’m constantly expanding my knowledge at Westwing. And although we are not a start-up anymore, there is still so much potential to build something great with everything we are currently planning to do. If you have fun in building something, you are hands-on and like to test, implement, and iterate, then Westwing is the perfect place for you.
For me, the Westwing culture is outstanding — everyone works towards one goal and is super supportive. Team members are given a lot of freedom and responsibility. I am very happy and proud to be part of #teamwestwing!”
And how has Westwing helped and encouraged your career growth?
“I’ve been very lucky because there have been so many opportunities over the last years and I’ve been able to work on some super cool and exciting projects. If you’re doing a good job, you can grow very quickly and get more responsibility. I think that’s very outstanding compared to other companies because you often need to have certain requirements like X amount of work experience.”
Thank you, Christina, for sharing your personal growth story!